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30 min Zoom Consultation Call • Connect with Aircrete-Harry DIRECTLY, one-on-one 🖥️ Consultation – Help – Advice & much more • Email: [email protected] – no refund




The order includes:

Direct one-on-one 30 Minutes Zoom call with Aircrete-Harry

🖥️ Book your

DIRECT One-on-One 30 Minutes Zoom Call with Aircrete-Harry

Place your order today – to schedule your Consultation Call with Aircrete-Harry Directly

Upon placing your order, you will receive a follow-up email, confirming the Zoom call schedule.

Please share various date & time options of your availability in the reply email.

Please make sure to check your spam folder as well. Thank you!


Dear Valued Customers,
Thank you for your continued support and for reaching out to us with your inquiries.
We appreciate your interest and are committed to assisting you.
Please note that while we’re happy to provide quick answers to simple questions via emails, some inquiries require more in-depth research and time.
For those more complex matters, where I provide resources, research, guidance, and tailored advice, I offer ​Consultation ​Calls. These calls can save you considerable time, effort, and money, as they leverage my extensive experience and research.
If you’re interested in a Consultation Call to discuss your specific needs and receive personalized assistance, please reach out to schedule a time. Thank you for your understanding.

Consultation Call Questions/ Answers Advice Help Years of Research Money saving information Knowledge & More


Dear Customer,
Thank you for your understanding. We’ve found that providing detailed responses to inquiries often leads to extended email exchanges and further questions. This takes valuable time away from our own projects, video production​ for our YouTube channel, research, and most importantly, ​my Family.
Therefore, this listing was created by Mrs. Aircrete-Harry with the goal of benefiting both you, our valued customer, and us. We appreciate your business.


In m​Wife​’s own words:
The customer​s receive so much more than just monetary value from this purchase. They gain hands-on knowledge, experience, testing, guidance, advice, links, answers, contact information, support, and the benefit of your genuine desire to help each individual to the best of your ability. Time is a​ valuable commodity that we can’t get back!
I’ve seen the positive impact of your consultation calls through the extensive follow-up feedback we receive. Our valued customers consistently gain more knowledge than they anticipated, and I know you always go above and beyond.

SUPPORT Our Dedicated Work:
Aircrete Harry – YouTube channel: Aircrete Harry – YouTube
Off-Grid Dome Living – YouTube channel: Off-Grid Dome Living – YouTube


1. Aircrete-Harry Foam Generator video:

YouTube player

YouTube Channel Aircrete Harry:

YouTube player


Dear Customer,
Please review the full item description carefully to ensure you understand and agree to the terms of your purchase.
If you have any questions prior to purchase, please contact us at [email protected]
Please be aware that all sales are final. We do not accept cancellations or offer refunds.
Please don’t waste our Time with funny games, we won’t tolerate it.
The sale price is $70.00 USD.
We reserve the right to cancel the call and end the transaction without a refund if your behavior is negative, disrespectful, demanding, or inappropriate. Time is Valued & will not be wasted on foolishness. Thank you for your understanding.

We look forward to​ welcoming you as ​our Valued Customer!

Thank You – and continue being your Best Self!

Our Best,

Mr. & Mrs. Aircrete-Harry

· Knowledge is Power · Get Inspired · Stay Motivated · Be Present · Be Hands-On · Be Patient · Be Good